{% load i18n plmapp_tags %} {% trans "openPLM LOGIN PAGE" %}

{% trans "Welcome to OpenPLM." %} openPLM {% trans "is the first genuine open source PLM."%}
{% trans "For more information about openPLM, see" %} http://www.openplm.org.

{% csrf_token %}

{% trans "openPLM connexion :" %}

{% if form.errors %}

{% trans "Your username and password didn't match. Please try again." %}

{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% trans "Login :" %}
{% trans "Password :" %}

{% trans "*If you have any trouble logging in to your account, contact your administrator" %}

{% trans "Browse public data." %}

{% trans "If you are planning to use openPLM in a professional context. If you want to work with other professionals for your project management, for other solutions plugins, for openPLM software maintenance, " %} {% trans "contact us" %}.