{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n plmapp_tags %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if is_contributor and obj.is_editable %} {% trans "You can add/modify/delete file(s)." %} {% elif is_contributor %} {% trans "The status of this document does not allow adding/deleting files." %} {% else %} {% trans "You don't have the necessary rights to add/delete files."%} {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %} {% if is_contributor and obj.is_editable %} {{ file_formset.management_form }} {% if file_formset.total_form_count %}
{% endif %} {% else %} {# placeholder since archive_form: float is right #}   {% endif %} {% for form in file_formset.forms %} {% with instance=form.instance locked=form.instance.locked%} {{ form.id }} {{ form.document }} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% if not locked %} {{ form.delete }}{% endif %} {{instance.filename}} {{instance.size|filesizeformat}} {% trans "DOWNLOAD" %} {% include "documents/checkout_btn.html" with doc_file=instance %} {{ instance.revision }} {% if instance.thumbnail %} Thumbnail {% else %} {% trans "No thumbnail available" %} {% endif %}
{% if deprecated_files %}
{% trans "Deprecated files:" %}
{% for doc_file in deprecated_files %}


{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if is_contributor and obj.is_editable %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}