.. _admin-upgrade: ============================================= How to upgrade an installation of OpenPLM ============================================= .. warning:: Before upgrading your installation, read the whole document and be sure to have reliable backups. Stopping the server =================== * ``service apache2 stop`` * ``service celeryd stop`` Backups ============ Database -------- See your database documentation: * PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/backup.html Code ---- Backups are mostly useless if you do not have the code that was running. Copy the content of :samp:`{/path/to/openPLM/}` (directory containing the :file:`settings.py` file). You should also copy your apache configuration and your celery files (``/etc/init.d/celetyd`` and ``/etc/default/celeryd``). Files ----- Copy ``/var/openPLM/docs``. Thumbnails and 3D files -------------------------- Copy :samp:`{/path/to/openPLM}/media/thumbnails` and :samp:`{/path/to/openPLM}/media/public`. If `document3D` application is installed, copy :samp:`{/path/to/openPLM}/media/3D`. Search indexes ---------------- You can also copy ``/var/openPLM/xapian_index``, it is easy to rebuild the index but it can take a few minutes. Restoring a backup ------------------- * Stop apache and celery * Restore all files * Restore the database * Restore the code * Restore search indexes or rebuild them Updating the code ================== Development version (svn) --------------------------- #. Backup your files, code, **settings.py**, thumbnails... #. Check your own modification: ``svn up`` and ``svn diff`` #. Run ``svn up`` #. Restore your own settings (svn should have gracefully updated the settings.py file) Stable version (tarball) -------------------------- Here, openPLM is installed in ``/var/django``. #. Backup your files, code, **settings.py**, thumbnails... #. Extract the tarball in a temporary directory. For example: ``tar xzf openplm-XYZ.tgz -C . /tmp`` #. Copy the files: ``cp -rp /tmp/openplm/openPLM /var/django``, ``/var/django`` is the directory containing your ``openPLM`` directory #. Restore your :file:`settings.py` file: * ``cp /var/django/openPLM/settings.py /var/django/openPLM/settings.py.orig`` * ``cp backups/settings.py /var/django/openPLM`` #. Fix the python path in apache ``*.wsgi`` files: ``sed -in 's#\(/var/django/\)openPLM/trunk/#\1#' apache/*.wsgi`` New settings ============= It is possible that a new version comes with new settings. Generally, new settings are optional and their default values do not changes the behavior of a previous installation. New settings may better fit your needs. You can easily determinate new settings: * development version: ``diff /path/to/backup/settings.py /path/to/settings.py`` (svn should have merged your settings and the original settings) * tarball: ``diff -u /var/django/openPLM/settings.py /var/django/openPLM/settings.py.orig`` Migrating the database ========================= One simple command: * ``./manage.py migrate`` Translations ================== Not required if you update using the tarball: #. ``make`` #. ``./bin/translate_all.sh compile all`` Search indexes ================= Not really required but some functionalities may run faster. #. ``./manage.py rebuild_index`` #. ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/openPLM`` Determining if you should rebuild the index ----------------------------------------------- Rebuilding search indexes can take several minutes depending on the number of indexed parts, documents and files. You can try to rebuild indexes and if it takes too much time you can safely restore your backed up indexes. Version 1.2: * group attribute is indexed and it is now possible to query documents by their group (``group=a_group_name``). Previously, a query like ``a_group_name`` matched the right documents but ``group=a_group_name`` would returned an empty result set. * OpenPLM 1.2 tests if a search result is readable by the current user. If search indexes are not rebuilt, each search will hit the database and take a little more time. File permissions ================ * ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/openPLM`` * ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/media/thumbnails`` * ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/media/public/thumbnails`` * ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/media/3D`` if ``document3D`` is installed Enabling new applications ========================== A new version of OpenPLM often comes with new optional applications. You can enable them according to your needs. Other actions ============== .. Put stuff specific to a version here OpenPLM 1.2 ----------- You can load more optional lifecycles: * ``./manage.py loaddata extra_lifecycles`` Starting the server =================== ``service celeryd start`` ``service apache2 start`` Now you can test and complain if something does not work ;-)