{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n plmapp_tags %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if user.get_profile.is_contributor %}

{% trans "OBJECT CREATION:" %}

{# hidden fields from a "create an attach" button #} {% if next %} {% endif %} {% if related_doc %} {% endif %} {% if related_part %} {% endif %} {% if related_parent %} {% endif %} {{ creation_form }}
{% trans "Type" %} {{ creation_type_form.visible_fields.0 }} {{ creation_type_form.errors.type }}
{% if related %} {# inform that the object will be attached #}

{% if related_doc %} {% blocktrans with related.type as related_type and related.reference as related_reference and related.revision as related_revision and related.name as related_name %} This part will be attached to the document {{related_type}} // {{ related_reference }} // {{ related_revision }} // {{ related_name }}. {% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% if related_part %} {% blocktrans with related.type as related_type and related.reference as related_reference and related.revision as related_revision and related.name as related_name %} This document will be attached to the part {{related_type}} // {{ related_reference }} // {{ related_revision }} // {{ related_name }}. {% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% blocktrans with related.type as related_type and related.reference as related_reference and related.revision as related_revision and related.name as related_name %} This part will be added to the part {{related_type}} // {{ related_reference }} // {{ related_revision }} // {{ related_name }}. {% endblocktrans %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Other creation tools:" %}

{% else %}

{% trans "You can not create an object since you are not a contributor."%}

{% endif %} {% endblock %}