============== Glossary ============== .. note:: Most of the following definitions use the term :term:`plmobject` to refer to a part or a document. .. glossary:: part a product or a service (FIXME) document a container for files or similar contents (like an online resource) plmobject (developer term) a part or a document lifecycle a sequence of state (or status) a :term:`plmobject` can take promote promote a plmobject means to move forward from one state in its lifecycle demote demote a plmobject means to move backward from one state in its lifecycle signer an user who can promote or demote a plmobject officialize promote a plmobject to its official state publish make a plmobject accessible to anonymous users unpublish remove anonymous access of a plmobject publisher an user who has the right to publish a plmobject clone duplicate a plmobject (copy all its content) without creating a link between the original and the new plmobjects decompose all terms related to *decompose* refer to the fact of spliting a part in multiples sub-assemblies or pieces