=================================================== How to install openPLM server (development version) =================================================== This document describes how to install an openPLM server. Requirements ============= This HowTo is based on: * Debian Squeeze * Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.16 (from Debian) * PostgreSQL 8.4.4 * Python 2.6.X * Django 1.2.X * Celery 2.3.X to 2.5.X * Haystack 1.2.X * Xapian 1.2.X * Lepl 5.0 * South 0.7.3 .. note:: Django framework can run with SQLite 3 and MySQL databases and with other web servers. We welcome all feedbacks about these combinations. For more information, you can visit : `Django website `_ Install necessary packages ========================== First, you must install some dependencies: #. ``apt-get install swig build-essential pkg-config gettext`` #. ``apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi`` #. ``apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-imaging python-kjbuckets python-pypdf ipython`` #. ``pip install odfpy`` #. ``apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev python-pygraphviz`` #. ``apt-get install python-xapian rabbitmq-server`` #. ``apt-get install python-django python-django-south`` #. ``pip install docutils`` #. ``pip install django-celery`` #. ``pip install 'django-haystack<2'`` #. ``apt-get install postgresql python-psycopg2`` #. ``pip install lepl`` #. ``apt-get install python-pisa libgsf-bin`` To enable plain text search on files, you need to install the following dependencies: #. ``apt-get install poppler-utils html2text odt2txt antiword catdoc`` #. ``pip install openxmllib`` Get code using Subversion ========================== * ``apt-get install subversion`` * ``mkdir /var/django`` All files used for a new django site will be stored in this directory. * ``cd /var/django`` * ``svn co svn://openplm.org/openPLM`` The directory ./openPLM is created and all codes are downloaded. * ``cd /var/django/openPLM`` Configure PostgreSQL ==================== * ``mkdir /var/postgres`` * ``chown postgres:postgres /var/postgres/`` * ``find / -name initdb`` :: /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/initdb * ``locale-gen fr_FR.UTF-8`` (replace ``fr_FR.UTF-8`` with your locale) * ``su postgres`` * ``/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/initdb --encoding=UTF-8 --locale=fr_FR.UTF-8 --pgdata=/var/postgres/`` * ``/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/postgres -D /var/postgres &`` (it is not a problem if postgres is already running, you do not have to restart it) * ``psql``: .. code-block:: psql postgres=#create database openplm; postgres=#create role django with password 'MyPassword' login; \q * ``exit`` Change the secret key ===================== * ``cd /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/`` * ``python bin/change_secret_key.py`` Create the database =================== Edit the file :file:`/var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/settings.py` and set the database password ('MyPassword') It must be the one set with the command ``create role django with password 'MyPassword' login;`` Here the DATABASE_USER is ``django``, not the Django admin created by ``./manage.py syncdb --all``. For example: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 7 # settings.py DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', # or 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3', 'oracle'. 'NAME': 'openplm', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. 'USER': 'django', # Not used with sqlite3. 'PASSWORD': 'MyPassword', # Not used with sqlite3. 'HOST': 'localhost', # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. 'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. } } Then execute the following commands: * ``cd /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/`` * ``./manage.py syncdb --all`` * ``./manage.py migrate --all --fake`` .. note:: You have to create the superadmin user for Django and a special user named 'company'. The company can access all contents from openPLM and should sponsor other users. The admin is here to administrate openPLM via its admin interface. Compile message files ===================== Run the following commands: #. ``make`` #. ``./bin/translate_all.sh compile all``. Configure where the files are saved =================================== Create directory where the uploaded files will be stored: * ``mkdir /var/openPLM`` Change rights: * ``chown www-data:www-data /var/openPLM`` Change rights for the directory where thumbnails will be stored: * ``chown www-data:www-data /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/media/thumbnails`` * ``chown www-data:www-data /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/media/public/thumbnails`` .. _search-engine-svn: Configure the search engine ============================= Although haystack supports several search engines, openPLM needs xapian. You may change the setting `HAYSTACK_XAPIAN_PATH` if you want to put the indexes in another directory. Once haystack is configured, you must rebuild the index: * ``./manage.py rebuild_index`` * ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/openPLM/xapian_index/`` .. _celery-svn: Configure Celery ================ openPLM uses Celery to manage asynchronous tasks. Celery needs a broker, you can choose any broker supported by celery but *rabbitmq* is recommanded. To configure rabbitmq, you must create an user and a vhost (as root): * ``service rabbitmq-server start`` * ``rabbitmqctl add_user openplm 'secret'`` (change this password, use single quotes to put special characters or spaces) * ``rabbitmqctl add_vhost openplm`` * ``rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p openplm openplm ".*" ".*" ".*"`` Then you must modify the `BROKER_*` settings in the :file:`settings.py`, if you follow this tutorial, you only have to change `BROKER_PASSWORD`. For example: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5 # settings.py BROKER_HOST = "localhost" BROKER_PORT = 5672 BROKER_USER = "openplm" BROKER_PASSWORD = "secret" BROKER_VHOST = "openplm" :command:`celeryd`, celery's daemon must be run. openPLM ships with an init script: * ``cp /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/etc/init.d/celeryd /etc/init.d/celeryd`` * ``cp /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/etc/default/celeryd /etc/default/celeryd`` * ``chmod +x /etc/init.d/celeryd`` * ``mkdir /var/log/celery`` * ``mkdir /var/run/celery`` * ``chown www-data:www-data /var/log/celery /var/run/celery`` To launch :command:`celeryd`, run ``/etc/init.d/celeryd start``. Check required modules ====================== * ``./bin/check_modules.py`` :: /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyPdf-1.12-py2.6.egg/pyPdf/pdf.py:52: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated from sets import ImmutableSet All is ok Configure Apache server ======================= Edit you Apache configuration file (:file:`/etc/apache2/httpd.conf`) and add the following lines: .. literalinclude:: apache/simple.conf :language: apache Restart Apache server ===================== * ``service apache2 restart`` First steps in openPLM ====================== Adding users ------------ To add users in OpenPLM, you have two methods. The first one uses the delegation tab directly in OpenPLM and the second one uses the administration interface. Recommanded method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first method is the recommanded way to add users to an OpenPLM instance. The only constraint is that you need to have a working email configuration. You need to log into OpenPLM. If you have just completed the installation, you can log in using the company user created during installation. Open your web browser and go to: :: http://your_site_address/ .. note:: Here your_site_adress is given as example but you have to use your own site adress .. image:: images/company_login.png Then follow the steps described in :ref:`add-user`. Create other users if needed, then logout and login as your new user account. Second method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second method to add users is **not** recomanded. Things can go wrong : permissions problems can occurs, and users might not be indexed. The only reason to use it is because you don't need a working email configuration to use it. But even in that case, it is recommanded to take a few minutes to configure emails and use the sponsoring method. Open your web browser and go to: :: http://your_site_address/admin/ .. note:: Here your_site_adress is given as example but you have to use your own site adress Enter superadmin login and password: .. image:: images/admin_login.png If you see an IOError (socket closed), checks your settings, in particular the stuff related to Celery and RabbitMQ. You can add new user and edit them going to Home>Auth>User: .. image:: images/admin_user.png Do not forget to edit Home>Plmapp>User profiles in order to give correct rights for openPLM application : .. image:: images/admin_userprofile.png .. note:: For more information about the `Django Admin tool `_ . Then you must create a new *Site* (use the admin interface) and set the `SITE_ID` variable in the :file:`settings.py` file. You are now ready for your first login: :: http://localhost/ .. image:: images/openplm_connexion.png Requiring HTTPS connections ============================== If your (apache) server support HTTPS, you can force HTTPS connections by setting the :const:`FORCE_HTTPS` and :const:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` to ``True`` in the :file:`settings.py` file. Each HTTP connection will be redirected to an HTTPS connection. A possible apache configuration would be (the rewrite and ssl modules must be enabled) .. literalinclude:: apache/ssl.conf :language: apache Configuring E-mails =================== There are several variables that can be set in the :file:`settings.py` to configure how mails are sent. See the `Django documentation `_ for more details. OpenPLM adds another variable `EMAIL_OPENPLM` which is the e-mail address set in the `from` field of each e-mail. Usually, this is a `no-reply@` address. Troubleshootings ================== .. contents:: :local: Admin pages are ugly --------------------- openPLM ships with a simlink (:file:`/path/to/openPLM/media/admin`) that may be broken on your system. To fix this link, run the following command: ``ln -s `python -c 'import django; print django.__path__[0]'`/contrib/admin/media /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/media/admin`` Connection refused ------------------ This error is thrown if Celery is mis-configured and can not connect to RabbitMQ. See :ref:`celery-svn` for more details, make sure that RabbitMQ is running and do not forget to edit the `BROKER_*` variables in the :file:`settings.py` file. IOError at /object/create -- Socket closed ------------------------------------------ See `Connection refused`_. I cannot find any objects ---------------------------- You can rebuild the search index (:ref:`search-engine-svn`) and see if openPLM finds your parts. It is possible that celery can not update the search index. You can check celery's log (:file:`/var/log/celery/*.log`) and see if it contains lines like ``[.. INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker: openPLM.plmapp.tasks.update_index[...]``. It may be a permission problem and ``chown www-data:www-data -R /var/openPLM/xapian_index/`` may fix it. I try to connect to http://server/ but I always get an "It works" page ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe your apache installation is a little broken. Does http://server/home/ show a more acceptable result?